Mathematical Association of America
Professors, Colin Adams and Tom Garrity recently held a mock presidential debate before a live audience at Williams College, competing as "The Figure-Eight Knot, Topology Party Candidate" and "The Euclidean Algorithm, Algebra Party Candidate." In addition to being top-notch mathematicians, these guys are also fun performers. They excel at educating while entertaining to standing-room-only crowds. This program is their second underwritten for national distribution by The Mathematical Association of America. Berkshire Film & Video also produced the video of their debate on "Which Number is Better -- Pi or E?"


Paperboard Packaging Association
Berkshire Film & Video recently videotaped the contest judging for best packages of 2008 for the Paperboard Packaging Association. Dull, you say? Definitely not! The packaging industry is probably the fifth-largest industry in the country, and the subtleties of package design are fascinating! The competition was intense for the most innovative use of paperboard, the most environmentally sustainable products, the most creative, etc. The PPA brought industry specialists (artistic as well as manufacturing) from across the country to its headquarters in Springfield, MA for the three-day event. The resulting footage will be part of a documentary for their national conference, where the winners will be announced.


19th Century Couples Dances
We combined our music, dance and video expertise when we recently produced this 12-part series of instructional DVDs on 19th Century Couples Dances, taught by Dr. Patri Pugliese and his wife, Barbara Pugliese. The Puglieses were founding members of The Commonwealth Vintage Dancers, one of the country's foremost historic social dance reenactors. The program is attracting enthusiasts from around the world. The Puglieses painstakingly researched these dance steps from period manuals, and then confirmed their dance reconstructions through vintage events where these dances are performed and enjoyed.


Berkshire School Stewart Center Dedication
Berkshire Film & Video just completed a 5 minute building dedication video for the new sports facility at Berkshire School in Sheffield, MA. The Stewart Center was named in honor of a long-time athletic coach at the school. The program features a montage of historic and contemporary photos, highlighting the building construction as well as the career of coach Jackman Stewart.



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